Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pics from the Bugmati Brick Kiln Med camp (March 25th)

Just over three hundred people attended this recent free med camp that we performed near a brick factory about an hour’s drive away. We also had some people from the surrounding area. Dr. Indra said some of the people working the brick factory make maybe 50c a day. It is hard work and bad living conditions - basically whatever lean-to shed you can fabricate on your dirt patch to make brick clay. It wasn’t uncommon for our nepali docs to diagnosis malnutrition related issues in the kids. Some of the youngsters working there had come from far away (other side of Nepal) without their family to just try to earn some money.  These are always difficult places to visit, but we do what can do when we are there. We had a couple expat doctors volunteer to help that day and several visiting med students from a couple organizations came to observe. We did find a woman who had been recently scheduled for necessary surgery elsewhere, but she had never gone because she did not have the money. She will now have the surgery. This first pic is still in the set up stages and mostly has our med staff and volunteers. You can see Dr. Indra in the middle giving out preliminary directions.  

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